CyberSafe (Data Protection Optimized VMs)

When working with data, it’s better to be safe than sorry, as threats are everywhere and can strike at any time. With Cyber Safe VMs designed for any type of business and all kinds of workloads, you get not only powerful compute resources, scalable memory and advanced storage fabric, but also cloud firewall, DDoS protection and back-up. Choose the package fit to your need.

CyberSafe Pro Computing

CyberSafe Pro Compute

High performance for compute-intensive workloads

CyberSafe Pro Memory

Highest memory to compute ratios for memory-intensive workloads

Cyber Safe Pro GPU

Optimized for accelerated high performance computing workloads

Cyber Safe Starter

Day to day computing with balanced price/performance across a wide range of machine types

Cyber Safe Advanced

Consistently high performance for a variety of workloads